
I Love the way….

I love the way we finish each
other sentences.I love the way I know you’ll never give up on me.

I love the way we finish each
other sentences.I love the way I know you’ll never give up on me.

I love the way you look at me.
  I love the fact that I wouldn’t ever give up on you.

I love the way you look at me.
  I love the fact that I wouldn’t ever give up on you.

I love the way we
cuddle and watch sunsets together I love the way I can’t imagine a day without you

I love the way we
cuddle and watch sunsets together I love the way I can’t imagine a day without you

I love the way if we were
ever separated I wouldn’t know how to go on. I love how beautiful ur eye r

I love the way if we were
ever separated I wouldn’t know how to go on. I love how beautiful ur eye r

love the way we sometimes
stay up all night and just talk, then watch the sunrise together.

love the way we sometimes
stay up all night and just talk, then watch the sunrise together.

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India Has Highest Child Mortality Rate…. (Must read, I am sure you will ask.. Are we really devloping country)…

With almost 19,000 children under five years of age dying every day across the world, India tops the list of countries with the highest number of 16.55 lakh such deaths in 2011, according to a UN agency.

The ‘Child Mortality Estimates Report 2012’ released by Unicef in New York has said that in 2011, around 50 percent of global under-five deaths occurred in just five countries of India, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Pakistan and China.

Incidentally, India’s toll is higher than the deaths in Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo and Pakistan put together.

While there have been 7.56 lakh deaths in Nigeria during the last year, Democratic Republic of the Congo accounts for 4.65 lakh deaths and Pakistan 3.52 lakh deaths of under-five children during 2011.

China reported 2.49 lakh deaths of under-5 kids last year, followed by 1.94 lakh by Ethiopia and 1.34 lakh each by Indonesia and Bangladesh. Uganda with 1.31 lakh such deaths and Afghanistan with 1.28 lakh deaths held the ninth and 10th position in the list of 10 top countries reporting under-five children deaths.

Singapore with a mortality rate of 2.6 has the lowest under-five deaths, while Slovenia and Sweden followed it with a mortality of 2.8.

The Unicef report also states that globally Pneumonia is the leading killer of children under five, causing 18 per cent of all under-five deaths worldwide – a loss of roughly 1.3 million lives in 2011, the bulk of which occur in just two regions, sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.

Globally, the five leading causes of deaths among children under five include pneumonia (18 percent); pre-term birth complications (14 per cent); diarrhoea (11 percent); intrapartum-related complications (9 percent) and malaria (7 percent).

Besides, more than a third of child deaths are attributable to undernutrition globally, the report states.

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Suicide, Second Leading Cause of Death among Young Indians..

Suicide has become the second leading cause of death of young people in India, which has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, according to a study published in Lancet.

“Suicide kills nearly as many Indian men aged 15-29 as transportation accidents and nearly as many young women as complications from pregnancy and childbirth,” said the study’s lead author Vikram Patel, of London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.

Transport accidents are the leading cause of deaths in men (about 14 percent) in India while maternal disorders are the main cause of deaths among women (about 16 percent), the study said.

After that suicide is the second leading cause of death of young people in India – 13 percent in men and 14 percent in women.

It was noted that about half of suicide deaths (49 percent among men, and 44 percent among women) were due to poisoning, mainly ingesting of pesticides. Hanging was seen to be the second most common cause for men and women, while burns accounted for about one-sixth of suicides by women.

With decline in maternal death rates, suicide could soon become the leading cause of death among young women, he said, noting further that public health interventions such as restrictions in access to pesticides might prevent many suicide deaths in India.

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Best Wallpapers for Samsung Phones

Best Dark Wallpaper for Samsung
Best Dark Wallpaper for Samsung
Best Dark Wallpaper for Samsung
Best Dark Wallpaper for Samsung
Best Dark Wallpaper for Samsung
Best Dark Wallpaper for Samsung
Best Dark Wallpaper for Samsung

Best dark Wallpapers for Samsung Part 1.

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What makes you Ambitious?

Follow your Goals & make sure you Achieve them

1. Things and people who surround you influence how ambitious you are. Reading books and surrounding yourself with other ambitious people are two of the most effective ways to light a fire in your belly.

2. Negative stimuli are more powerful at discouraging you than words of encouragement are at motivating you. Consequently, its crucial to aviod or eliminate from your life people whose behaviors and opinions put you down.

3. Physical wellness is one of the keys of people who think big. If you dont have enough energy, you wont have enough motivation to put your plans into action. Demand from yourself the best – both physically and mentally.

4. A sense of urgency is necessary if you want to act on your goals now instead of “someday.” Successful people don’t have time for small thinking because they want to make the most out of their time on Earth.

5. You can’t focus on achieving your full potential if you lack the more basic needs in your life such as a sense of belongingsness and esteem. If you suffer from shyness, social anxiety, or depression, your plan of action should start with fixing this issues.

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Five ways to keep yourself motivated while starting up!

I’ve heard experts say that in the initial phases of your startups you have to sell your passion to everyone, be it investors, users, or your own team. This process is definitely exhausting and tests the odds out of even the strongest of people. We face hardships and rejections so often that they become a part of life. Still sometimes when the dark clouds refuse to clear, you get distressed and feel like giving that all up. You wish that you could have a dear friend who could motivate you at all times. The hard truth of entrepreneurship is that friend is YOU! Here is some advice on how one should keep motivated during those dark days:


Believe in the ‘What if’ principle

Whenever you feel demotivated, simply think ‘What if’ my startup could impact billions of lives. What if the whole world uses my product and applauds it. If you are really passionate about your startup, this thought will give you an exhilarating feeling. Keep that feeling with you. Make the ‘What if’ feeling your life. Whenever someone rejects, just think about the ‘What if’. And now keep going so that you can make the ‘what if’ true!

Don’t force yourself to a routine you don’t like

We read so many articles every day on how successful entrepreneurs wake up at 5 AM and start their daily routine, blahblah. I am not saying that’s wrong. But if you don’t like that routine, don’t force yourself to it. Follow your own rules, if you want to start working at 11 AM, do that. Assign the work and the time you want to pursue, that’s why you became an entrepreneur in the first place, isn’t it? My mantra has always been do whatever you like, whenever you like (unless you haven’t given someone a meeting appointment).

Ask someone/watch a video of someone who has achieved something big in life about their struggle story

Someone who has achieved big in life will definitely have a struggle story. Everyone has had their share of failures and rejections. Talk to such people, or watch their videos, read their biographies. When I was at a very early stage of startup, this is what kept me going!

Join a community of similar minded people

We definitely get motivated when others share similar stories like ours and we go on to achieve our dreams together. The strength and determination gets multifold! You can join communities like The Rodinhoods or work out of co-working spaces where many startups work together towards their dreams.

Take a break

If you have been feeling gloomy and unmotivated for a long time, take a break! Given the financial and time constraints entrepreneurs are always facing, a small hangout to your favorite cafe for a whole day can also qualify as a break. Just stroll out on your own, keep your mobile on silent, take a book, sip coffee and listen to music. If music is not your thing, do whatever pleases your heart. But DISCONNECT from the social media banter of people getting funded, your best friends buying new cars, and ex-girlfriends getting married. Make sure to disconnect 100% and change your surroundings for a couple of days. You will come back refreshed and happy.

Whenever you feel low, just go back to the moment when you had decided to pursue your dreams, to pursue entrepreneurship, and relive the moment. Remember why you switched to this life, feel the vibe you had felt at that moment, and recall how far you have come. You can’t think of going back now, can you?

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Love is Action. Everything else is just Words.


Love is more black and white than we like to tell ourselves. Don’t allow anyone to keep you trapped in the “promise” of the gray area. The bottom line is: If they love you, TRULY love you, they’ll do whatever it takes to be with you. There won’t be excuses or doubts or fears or hesitation. Love is ACTION. Everything else is just words.

Note: Please post your comments & reviews about blog. We will surely get back to you.

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Marry your best Friend…

Whom You Marry

Marry your best friend. Marry someone who you wouldn’t mind waking up to every day for the rest of your life. The one who makes you glad to be alive. Marry someone who drives you crazy. The one who frustrates you. The one who calms you. Marry the one you don’t mind fighting with, because they will be fair about it. Don’t marry someone who gives their ego more importance, than they give you. Marry someone who makes you the best version of yourself. The one who believes in you, even when you don’t. The one who stands by you, through thick and thin. Marry someone you can’t imagine your life without. Marry the one you are insanely in love with. And the one who is insanely in love with you. Marry the one who knows what you want to say, when you’re too tired to say it with words. The one you can spend comfortable silences with from time to time. Marry your soul mate. Marry your best friend….

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If You Don’t Try, You Will Never Know..


We pay a heavy price for our fear of failure. It is a powerful obstacle to growth. It assures the progressive narrowing of the personality and prevents exploration and experimentation. There is no learning without some difficulty and fumbling. If you want to keep on learning, you must keep on risking failure – all your life.

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A promise is made to ensure you honour your word, to prove to another that no matter what you will always have there back, You may not be able to move any mountains but you can promise to face everything together, The only promise anyone can surely give freely is to love deeply from the heart, So cherish the moment you make a promise & keep it, In order to be true to both them & yourself you give a special word & you call it a PROMISE

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Willpower Game: Play Offense instead of Defence


People with good self-control mainly use it not for rescue in emergencies but rather to develop effective habits &routines in school &at work.The results of these habits &routines in recent studies,shows that people with high self-control consistently report less stress in their lives.They use their self-control not to get through crises but to avoid them…They play offense instead of defense.

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The Positive Power of Saying ‘No’


Why is saying no so hard? In my personal and professional relationships, I have a difficult time turning people down, even when there are good reasons I should. I’m not completely sure why so many of us feel this way, but I think it has something to do with our culture. We respect busyness. We’re in awe of people who seem like they do it all. We want to please.

But over the years, turning opportunities down that aren’t a good fit for me has been far more beneficial than I could have possibly imagined. It takes courage to be true to yourself — to admit when you’re not willing, uninterested, or simply want better.

“No, this job isn’t right for me.”

“No, I don’t want to live here — I want to live somewhere prettier.”

“No, I want a bigger salary.”

“No, this relationship isn’t healthy.”

What if you hurt someone’s feelings? What if this business opportunity never comes along again? Who are you to think you deserve more? But the truth is, when we stretch ourselves thin, we’re not helping anyone. I’ve discovered that when we’re willing to say no, we create an opportunity for a frank, open discussion of what we do want. And the only way to get what you want is to let it be known.

When I’ve walked away from a business deal, nine out of 10 times the company has come back to me with a better offer. That’s right — 90 percent of the time. At first, I was shocked to discover this. I had more power than I realized! In the movie,American Hustle, there’s a scene where Christian Bale’s character says, “If you tell them ‘no,’ they will keep coming back for more.” He’s right.

When you turn someone you down, explain why. If you’re dealing with a personal relationship, consider writing down your thoughts first. Be concise and to the point. Don’t make excuses and don’t be afraid to slow things down if you think they’re moving too fast. You will be surprised to discover there’s usually a second offer waiting for you. But some situations just aren’t meant to be. If you gut tells you to walk away, do it. Rarely has a situation I felt unsure about gotten better, unfortunately.

In telling the truth, you set the stage for a more meaningful, fruitful relationship. The people you work with will respect your courage and honesty. It will give you strength and confidence.

It’s easier to say no when you have other options. Hold out for positive relationships that will help grow your business in the right direction. Looking back, most of the business relationships I said yes to when I should have said no turned out poorly anyway.

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6 Things you should keep it to yourself.


Love is all about sharing and caring. But I am not sure the former should be in its entirety. At times, telling too much about yourself to your boyfriend may land you in trouble.

Better safe than sorry. So it’s best to hide some things in the interest of your relationship. Here you go…

Don’t make him feel insecure: You may want to impress him by saying it was you who ditched your Ex. Or about how good your best friend is in two-timing. Mind you, he may not take it too kindly. For one, he would think this is his future too!

Your best friend’s personal life: First things first — do not share your best friend’s phone number, email address with your boyfriend. Also, if your BFF has shared all her secrets with you, best keep it hidden from your boyfriend. For one, he may not be interested. Two, he may start showing her sympathy fuelling jealousy. Who knows it might be a point of conflict between the two of you. You might also start feeling insecure.

Your passwords: Never do this even if you are married. Both of you are entitled to some space in the relationship. Sharing email passwords and ATM pins is a strict no-no. You might want to bring in the transparency issue here. Yet, it’s strictly not advisable. Imagine your boyfriend reading up your online chat conversations to beat boredom and discovers you had actually ditched him to be at a party with your BFF! It would be disastrous.

Do not discuss your salary details: Unless you are married and are looking at joint investments for the family, it’s best not to boast about your fat paycheck. It’s okay to tell him you get a decent remuneration. But not the exact details. But same applies to you too. Your boyfriend too is under no obligation to disclose his salary details.

Girls love to tell guys about their periods: Yuck! You may think sharing your female bodily changes with him may bring you two closer. However, that’s really not the case. Some guys may be shy themselves and may find it awkward to accept what you are talking about in this stage of the relationship itself.

Let bygones be bygones: Your experience with your Ex was bitter to say the least. Your present boyfriend is all that he wasn’t. And all you want do is go gaga over how he scores over your ex. But hold on! Control your emotions, let go off your past and live in the present. It’s wise not to share any details of your past relationship with your present one. You may regret it later.

When in love, it’s natural to get carried away and tell him all about yourself. However, besides other reasons, one good reason for you to not share some things with him is to let him accept you the way you are. Also, let there be some part of you which he doesn’t know, right?

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